Oh dear... on reading my last post, I've realised that my green-fingered ambitions have been somewhat foiled. The sunflower seeds, sadly, failed to produce any sunflowers (probably because they were planted too late) and, in a new turn of events, our landlord appears to have started working on the flowerbeds I was going to use. Which means I now have an enormous pot of mint growing in the windowsill, that really really wants an outside home. I think perhaps I need to recruit some people to help me find a patch of scrubland to plant it out...
On the other hand, I have picked up an old hobby and started knitting again. Strange how you suddenly rediscover things your mother taught you as you near your 30s. I'd forgotten how satisfying it can be... although I think I may need to learn how to be patient again; something I've lost since I first learnt to knit. I'll try and post a picture if I ever complete my current project!